Rhinoplasty is a complex plastic surgery procedure where a skilled surgeon reshapes your nose to create a more proportionate feature and may also correct breathing problems. Often done under general anesthesia on an outpatient basis, (outside a hospital), rhinoplasty is safely performed at numerous surgical centers across the country. Of course, some surgery centers are better than others, with a higher standard of patient care and a superior safety record. Here we’ll discuss how to identify the best surgical centers for rhinoplasty in NJ.

First, Find An Excellent Plastic Surgeon for Rhinoplasty

Top-level NJ rhinoplasty surgeons typically practice in only the best surgical settings. Often, when you find an experienced, talented, board-certified and patient focused plastic surgeon, you have also found a terrific surgery center. The ambulatory surgery center that your surgeon generally uses is most likely well equipped, safe and staffed with the best medical professionals. In the best-case scenario, the surgery center is conveniently located adjacent to your plastic surgeon’s office and may be owned in part by the surgeons who use the center.

What to Look for in an Outpatient Surgery Center

You should always choose a highly qualified plastic surgeon that you trust for a successful rhinoplasty – and it’s likely that you can also trust his or her choice of operating facility. Still, since your safety is paramount, so you may want to delve into the details that make your surgeon’s chosen surgery center ideal.

Understanding why a particular ambulatory surgery center is considered excellent helps you go into rhinoplasty surgery confidently. A relaxed, comfortable patient generally enjoys a smoother recovery period and a better result from rhinoplasty. Look for these attributes to find the best surgery centers in NJ…

  1. Highly Trained Medical Staff: You should be ideally attended by an anesthesiologist (specialist) for your procedure and this is what typically occurs at the best surgical centers for rhinoplasty in NJ. If you have surgery elsewhere, you should ask your plastic surgeon about the qualifications of the anesthesiologist and whether she or he is board-certified. Your surgeon’s answers will help you to understand how highly she or he values patient safety.
  2. State-of-the-Art Equipment: Surgery centers typically host a variety of plastic surgeries and may also be the site of other types of surgery. All of the surgical procedures require anesthesia, so a top surgery center must have high-tech monitoring equipment allowing an experienced, board-certified MD anesthesiologist to adjust your anesthetic to keep you safe and comfortable throughout your rhinoplasty.
  3. Low Infection Rate: Infection is one of the more frequent complications arising from any type of surgery. One way that infection can occur is through lax or rushed care at a less-than-stellar surgical center. Because of this, you should inquire about your surgery center’s infection rate. Your surgeon should have this information, especially if she or he runs the surgery center where you’ll have your rhinoplasty in NJ.
  4. Predictable and Reasonable Pricing: An ambulatory surgical center helps patients save money, being typically much less expensive than a hospital OR. Your NJ plastic surgeon should give you an upfront cost for the surgery center time, after he or she outlines your surgical plan at your consultation. This way, you can get a total rhinoplasty cost that includes almost all your expenses for your rhinoplasty procedure, from surgeon’s fee and anesthesiologist’s fee through followup visits. This helps to ensure you won’t receive multiple, unexpected bills for each surgery-related service after your procedure, as you would in a hospital based surgery.
  5. Physician Ownership: This uncommon practice is part of the strategy that has made our Vanguard Surgical Center one of the best places for rhinoplasty in NJ. In our unique model of surgical care, only highly trained surgeons from a variety of specialties (plastic surgery, neurology, orthopedics and more) are approved to operate at our center, which is in turn run and owned by the surgeons.Why we believe in physician/surgeon ownership: Ordinary, run-of-the-mill surgery centers are essentially worlds unto themselves. They’re typically separate businesses, not integrated with a surgeon’s practice. In our model, we have complete control of staffing and processes. This means that we, as surgeons, can ensure that only highly credentialed medical professionals, including the best nurses, surgical techs and more, help us care for our patients. This allows us to put your safety first – as it should be – without relying on a surgery center that is outside our control.
  6. Clean and Well-lighted Environment: The best surgery centers must place significant emphasis on cleanliness and sterile spaces. The center should look perfectly clean and adhere to industry standard disinfection procedures for equipment and surgical instruments. The plastic surgery center must provide everything from proper lighting and electrical power for your surgeon and his medical team, along with other amenities the surgeon may need to perform surgery without distraction. The best NJ rhinoplasty specialists typically use such a center, since it supports their goal of performing a successful rhinoplasty procedure. Consider requesting a surgical center tour – to familiarize yourself with the location and get a feel for the center’s environment at your consultation or prior to surgery day.
  7. Convenient Location: As mentioned above, a surgery center that is easy to access, preferably close to your surgeon’s office, is ideal. You want your surgery day to flow as easily as possible, and having to navigate to an unfamiliar or outlying location can be unsettling for patients. That’s why we, and many of the best plastic surgeons in NJ, use a surgical center located near us.
  8. Comfortable, Private Recovery Space: After surgery, you’ll be slowly brought back to consciousness, monitored by medical staff until you’re released to be driven home by your friend or family member. You will likely be escorted to your car in a wheelchair by a nurse for your safety.
  9. Pleasant Waiting Area: Remember, your friend must drive you, both to and from the surgical facility, on surgery day. The person must wait while you undergo your rhinoplasty in NJ. Ideally they can relax in a comfortable waiting area while your surgery is completed.
  10. Overnight Option: In some surgery centers out-of-area patients can arrange for an overnight stay, so that they can be examined the next day and released to travel home. Often however, patients instead stay overnight (or for up to a week if they prefer) at an area hotel, with a private nurse if necessary.
  11. Safety Accreditation: The surgery center’s primary function is to provide a safe location for your surgery to be performed. A variety of independent accrediting bodies inspect surgery centers and/or accredit them for safety. The specific standards of the accrediting organizations may vary, but accreditation is generally a positive sign.
  12. The Best Safety Accreditation: AAAHC accreditation

About AAAHC Accreditation

Our Vanguard Ambulatory Surgery Center in NJ is accredited by the top organization in the field – the Accreditation Association for Ambulatory Health Care. This organization pioneered 3rd party accreditation, nearly 40 years ago, to help ensure quality service and safety at surgery centers and other medical facilities.

The AAAHC upgrades its standards yearly to keep pace with advancements in medical care and patient safety improvements. The AAAHC makes sure accredited surgery center personnel are trained in the latest patient safety measures in very detailed situations; from sterilization, disinfection and hand hygiene to the way patients are instructed in surgical aftercare for various procedures.

If you’re not having your rhinoplasty in NJ, increase your safety by asking your plastic surgeon (or checking the center’s website, if one exists) to determine which organization accredits their preferred surgery center. Then, look up the accreditor’s specific standards. The accrediting website typically states whether/how often the accreditor inspects the centers and the standards that accredited centers must meet/exceed.

What a Successful Rhinoplasty Looks Like (and Feels Like)

After rhinoplasty in NJ, your nose should look natural and flatter your face, bringing out the best in all your other features. Your nose may appear more refined and should better reflect your own personal sense of attractiveness. You may be more photogenic, with more symmetrical and harmonious facial features. Your nose should look natural after rhinoplasty and you shouldn’t hear nice nose job from anyone (that wasn’t informed about your procedure beforehand.) Your friends may notice something different about your look, and possibly note a more outgoing energy coming from you – but they likely won’t be able to place just why, or just what has changed specifically.

In addition, your nose should function better, so you can breathe easily and avoid mouth breathing. After rhinoplasty in NJ, at the best surgical center, you should be able to look back on an uneventful, smooth and speedy recovery with no complications that affect your spectacular rhinoplasty results.

Our goal, and that of the best plastic surgery centers, is that your procedure is safe and effective, leaving you with a nose that looks and feels great for the rest of your life.

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Dr. Winters

About Dr. Winters

Dr. Winters specializes in primary, revision, reconstructive, functional and teenage rhinoplasty surgeries. Dr. Winters is a fellow of the American College of Surgeons and maintains active memberships in the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, the American Society for Reconstructive Microsurgery and others.