Breast augmentation scars are very important to understand, prepare for and minimize ahead of time when considering breast augmentation surgery.

There are things you can do, even before surgery, to ensure that your breast augmentation scars are nearly invisible to anyone who doesn’t know you very, very well.

It’s likely that your scars won’t be visible at all in most clothing.

Although the idea of scars can be anxiety provoking, you’re taking charge of the situation by researching and planning in advance – and setting yourself up for success in breast augmentation!

How to Minimize Breast Augmentation Scars

Yes, there are ways to minimize scarring to some extent even before getting your breast implants.

  • First of all, carefully choose your surgeon. An impeccable surgical technique will help ensure that your scars from breast augmentation are as small as possible, heal well and are well placed.
  • Second, make sure you clearly understand where your breast augmentation incisions will be. This way, you won’t be surprised at finding a scar in a spot you did not expect. A good surgeon will of course clearly explain where your breast augmentation scars will appear and the size they will be. Your research here will help you prepare and have proper expectations about scarring after breast implants. Proper expectations help ensure a successful breast implant surgery overall.
  • In addition, make certain that you follow all pre and post-surgical instructions given by your surgeon in preparation for surgery and during recovery. This way your body will be prepared for (and assisted in) proper and speedy healing after your breast augmentation.

Where Will My Breast Augmentation Scars Be?

  • Ideally, incisions will be placed in the spot least subjected to tension during healing and in everyday life. Tension on scars during recovery from breast augmentation can widen them, and delay healing. Some tension on scars is unavoidable because the implant takes up space, more or less according to its size/volume and weight. Swelling will occur, placing temporary tension on the area. Steps will be taken to minimize tension via precise surgical technique, suturing skill, proper wound care and support (compression bandage/bra) during healing.
  • The planning of scar placement is also important to provide for proper breast function after breast implant surgery.
  • There are other considerations, which may be specific to your case.

Scar Location After Breast Surgery: Type, Size and Technique of Implant Placement are Determining Factors

With the above factors in mind, breast implants can be inserted through a number of different incision options, depending upon what type (saline or silicone) and what size of implant you choose and the technique preferred/recommended/judged best by your surgeon with input from you:

  • Inframammary incisions are placed below the breast in the crease.
  • Periareolar incisions go around the areola.
  • Transareolar incisions are done through the areola around the nipple.
  • Transaxillary incisions are in the armpit.
  • Navel or transumbilical incisions are rarely indicated.

Your surgeon will plan and recommend which are appropriate, explain the pros and cons, and the final decision is yours.

Minimize Breast Implant Scars by Making Sure You’re a Good Candidate

If you are healthy, with realistic expectations for breast augmentation, you’ll most likely be considered a good surgical candidate. During your consultation with your surgeon, he or she will take your medical history and ask about your goals.

At that point, your surgeon will let you know right away if you are a good candidate. Your surgeon may also ask that you have a physical examination, blood testing and a mammogram to confirm that there are no health issues that could affect your breast augmentation result. Even the best candidates, of course, will inevitably have scars from breast implant surgery.

What Will The Breast Implant Scars Look Like?

Scars from breast augmentation will be red and raised for up to a year or more and can fade into thin white lines. A variety of factors affect how much scarring you may experience.

Talk to your surgeon about the following factors for a personalized assessment of surgical risk, including scarring.

Breast implant scar healing can be affected by:

  • Age
  • Genetics
  • Sun damage
  • Skin elasticity
  • Skin tone (Darker skin may be more likely to have raised scars or keloids. Lighter skin will see a greater contrast between scar color and surrounding skin.)
  • Length and depth of incisions: Select an experienced, skilled surgeon with exacting surgical technique and one with whom you communicate well. This ensures that your case will receive careful planning, taking into account your breast augmentation goals, body type and all the other considerations mentioned in this post. This helps to ensure that your incisions are the smallest possible, not easily visible and heal properly.

Minimize Breast Implant Scars with Proper Preparation Before Surgery

Reduce breast augmentation scars and healing time by carefully following your surgeon’s instructions prior to surgery and during recovery.

In the weeks leading up to surgery, your surgeon may instruct you to:

  • Avoid ibuprofen and aspirin.
  • Stop taking or gradually step down dosage of certain herbal supplements and/or medications.
  • Do not smoke. Smoking impedes healing.
  • And other recommendations specific to your case.

Recovery Tips to Decrease Breast Augmentation Scars

Your post-surgical instructions will be personalized, but your surgeon will likely instruct you to:

  • Make sure that a friend or family member can stay with you for 24 hours. This is important to help you avoid stretching to reach items placing pressure on stitches (or falling when groggy after anesthesia) and to make sure you take medication on time.
  • Avoid alcohol, which can dehydrate you and increase bleeding.
  • No smoking.
  • Drink sufficient fluids and eat healthy foods. You may be asked to restrict salt intake to limit swelling.
  • Don’t shower until you’re given the go-ahead (one or two days after surgery) and no bathtub bathing for several weeks.
  • Limit lifting and reaching for 2 weeks or longer if your surgeon advises.
  • Sleep with your torso elevated on pillows, a wedge or sleep in a recliner to help decrease swelling.
  • Don’t expose your scars to the sun.
  • Avoid strenuous activity for at least 1 month. Also avoid swimming pools, hot tubs and the ocean.
  • You can go back to work in about 1 week (if you have an office/desk job) or when you get the ok from your surgeon.
  • Avoid exposing any area near the surgical site to the sun, even the cleavage area, sides or abdomen may be more prone to sunburn when swollen.
  • Call your surgeon if you have a fever, excessive pain or bleeding or if you have any concerns during the healing process.

More Treatments for Breast Augmentation Scars

  • Your surgeon may instruct you to use steri-strips or paper tape on your incisions for about 6 weeks to promote scar healing.

After approximately 6 weeks have passed, and your surgeon gives the ok, you may use:

  • Silicone sheeting
  • Vitamin E supplement or topical – after the scar has healed
  • Self-massage of the scar after it has initially healed may be beneficial. Ask your surgeon about the timing because the healing process varies between individuals.
  • Cortisone injections from your surgeon

Surgical Technique is Key to Minimizing Breast Implant Scars

Some factors related to scarring are out of your control, such as genetic predisposition. But you can control many key factors that affect scarring from breast augmentation, such as researching the procedure, selecting an expert breast surgeon and following the surgeon’s instructions for preparation and recovery.

Breast augmentation scars are greatly technique-dependent. Be sure to screen your surgeon’s qualifications carefully and also make sure to find a good fit.

Finding the Best Breast Surgeon for You

You and your surgeon will partner for the success of your procedure, at least that’s how we see it at Cohen/Winters. Your success is our success because we genuinely feel that surgery is our calling.

We use all of our skills and 15+ years of breast augmentation experience to ensure you get the best result from your breast surgery.

We recommend you check your surgeon’s credentials, such as board certification and surgical privileges and also look for dedication. To find out about that last crucial ingredient for breast implant success, schedule a consultation about breast augmentation and breast implant scars.

Make sure to choose a surgeon with whom you have good communication. If you feel rushed or that you’re not being listened to, continue your search. Expect your surgeon to ask you a lot of questions, rather than giving a speech or sales presentation.

Choose a surgeon who carefully plans, explains and customizes your procedure to fit your needs. Select the breast surgeon in whom you have complete confidence for a stellar outcome.

Consult an Expert Breast Surgeon at No Charge

To learn how breast implant surgery would work for you, contact Cohen/Winters in Bergen County.

We specialize in aesthetic and reconstructive plastic surgery, with over 16 years of experience behind each of us.

This allows us to provide you with the in-depth information you need about breast augmentation and scars. Cohen/Winters offers a no-charge consultation about breast implants, just contact us.

breast surgeon NJ

Dr. Cohen

About Dr. Cohen

Dr. Cohen specializes in breast lifts, augmentations, revisions and reductions as well as breast cancer reconstructions. A long time dream of Dr. Cohen’s was to travel to developing countries and provide expert surgical care to those who have no other possible access to medical care. This became a reality in 2007 when she became a founding member and Vice President of ISMS Operation Kids.