When you’re contemplating revision rhinoplasty, you may have so many questions on your mind that you don’t know where to start. To help you organize your thoughts, let’s boil things down to 5 crucial questions about revision rhinoplasty in NJ.
Patience is a Virtue When Planning Revision Rhinoplasty
Of course, you’d like to have your prior rhinoplasty corrected immediately, if that were possible—but don’t let impatience get the better of you. Taking all the time that you need now to do your research and talk with surgeons is extremely important.
Rushing into this type of surgery is not wise. Especially when your first rhinoplasty experience left something to be desired, you owe it to yourself to do all you can to avoid a repeated disappointment.
Although we’re distilling things down to 5 key questions here, you should not restrict your number of questions or limit your research time. In fact, if you encounter a NJ plastic surgeon who rushes you through your consultation or becomes annoyed with your questions, take it as a valuable sign to choose another surgeon.
Patience is a very important quality in a medical professional and certainly a virtue you want to find in someone you plan to trust to perform your surgery.
Research is Time Well Spent
Remember that it is normal to have doubts and unanswered questions at this point when considering revision rhinoplasty. All the research you do in advance of your revision will be worth it. The information you uncover will help you go forward confidently.
The more relaxed and sure of your choices you can be prior to surgery, the quicker you will heal and the better your entire experience will be. Your state of mind is powerful. What can bring about a more relaxed state prior to revision rhinoplasty? Finding a NJ rhinoplasty specialist in whom you are completely confident.
Deciding if You Really Want a Revision Rhinoplasty
You may already be certain that you want and need to have your primary rhinoplasty corrected. In other cases, you may be looking for a professional opinion on what is involved in making the changes/repairs to your nose that you desire, before you decide whether to go forward. It is perfectly okay to meet with a rhinoplasty specialist even if you are not quite sure you will go forward. Your surgeon can help you clarify your goals and determine if the outcome you want is realistic.
Questions for Your NJ Rhinoplasty Surgeon
1. Am I a Good Candidate for Revision Rhinoplasty?
If you haven’t yet completely healed from your primary rhinoplasty, you may not be a good candidate just yet. In some cases, the problems you see and feel with your nose may resolve at least in part when all of your swelling has resolved.
In addition, revisions may be difficult to accurately plan before healing has occurred. In certain instances, the nose may be considered too fragile to safely undergo a revision rhinoplasty. If your nose is healthy enough, chances are an expert rhinoplasty surgeon will be able to improve the function or appearance of your nose.
In more drastic cases, a full on reconstruction may be required. Choosing a surgeon with reconstructive experience will increase your chances of success.
2. What Went Wrong with My Primary Rhinoplasty?
Understanding and discussing the shortcomings of your primary rhinoplasty can help you envision what will happen during the corrective nasal surgery. This is perhaps the most important element in reducing your stress.
It can also help you get an idea of the expertise and communication skills of your surgeon. You may have new functional or aesthetic issues due to your initial rhinoplasty.
In other cases, things may have gone terribly wrong because of surgical complications or inadequate communication and understanding between you and your primary rhinoplasty surgeon.
Your revision rhinoplasty surgeon should be able to identify the problem(s) with your nose and be able to understand the outcome you have in mind.
3. What Should Be Changed? (Clarifying Your Thoughts and Goals for Revision Rhinoplasty)
It’s important for you and your surgeon to be on the same page about the desired result of your secondary rhinoplasty. Your surgeon can evaluate the structure of your nose by examining you.
He or she should also ask what bothers you about the look or function of your nose. This way, your surgeon can identify the best strategy to fix any breathing problems and address your aesthetic concerns.
If you are unsure exactly what should be fixed or how you would like your nose to look, a top NJ revision rhinoplasty surgeon can help you clarify and visualize your goals. The best facial plastic surgeons have an intimate understanding of facial and nasal anatomy.
These surgeons understand and can discuss with you how your facial features can be brought into an attractive balance as a result of your revision rhinoplasty. If you don’t feel that you and the surgeon understand one another, or cannot agree on aesthetics, continue your search for the ideal revision rhinoplasty expert for you.
4. Are You the Right Surgeon for Me?
Ok, you may not ask it quite this way, but this is what you need to know. The following questions can lead to the answer. Here, you should delve into experience and credentials.
While you are asking your questions, try to evaluate how the questions are received and dealt with. Are your questions being deflected or your concerns dismissed as unimportant? Are you being rushed?
Ask these questions to help you select your NJ revision rhinoplasty surgeon:
- How many rhinoplasty revisions have you performed this year? How many overall?
- What is your complication rate?
- How do you handle complications?
- How do you reduce inevitable surgical risks?
- Do you do reconstructive surgery? (This type of experience signals in-depth understanding of nasal anatomy and function.)
- Where will my revision rhinoplasty be performed?
- Is your surgical center accredited? (Your revision rhinoplasty should take place only at a hospital or an accredited surgery center.)
- Do you have surgical privileges at a local NJ hospital and where? (Surgery privileges provide you with extra assurance of your plastic surgeon’s capabilities.)
5. What Can I Expect Before, During and After Revision Rhinoplasty?
After communicating your goals and desired outcome to your surgeon, you’ll want to ask questions to make sure the surgeon has understood what you’re looking for. These are questions about your specific case.
The answers to these questions should reveal the surgical strategy your surgeon has planned, to achieve the goals you have discussed.
The answers will provide information about what will go on during your surgery, how to prepare and also information about your recovery process after surgery.
- What is your surgical plan for my rhinoplasty revision?
- Will I need cartilage grafting?
- Will this be an open rhinoplasty procedure? If so, where will the incisions be? Are there any options?
- What type of anesthesia will be required?
- What is the total cost of my revision rhinoplasty?
- What medical tests will I need in advance of surgery? (This is often done by your family physician.)
- How much recovery time will I need (off from work or school)?
When all is said and done, be sure to choose a surgeon who has earned your confidence.
Revision Rhinoplasty in NJ
At Cohen/Winters Aesthetic & Reconstructive Surgery in Bergen County, NJ, we specialize in complex revision rhinoplasty procedures. When you are ready to ask your questions, we’ll be happy to meet you, determine if you are a good candidate and create a personalized plan for your surgery.