Whether you are just considering breast implant surgery or you’ve definitely decided to go forward with a breast augmentation procedure here in the NYC area, it is important to proceed carefully. Breast augmentation is the most popular plastic surgery procedure offered today and it’s extremely safe.

Still, you want to ensure that your breast augmentation is done by a seasoned professional, a breast surgeon in NY or NJ with top credentials, who is dedicated to your wellbeing. Making careful decisions about your surgeon, and about the details of your procedure, will lead you to a stellar breast augmentation result.

Finding an Expert Partner and Advisor: The Right Surgeon for You

When you select a surgeon who is not only eminently qualified, but also wants to do his or her very best work for you, you’re all set for your NYC breast augmentation procedure. When you meet the right surgeon, you’ll know, because the right one will be the the surgeon you trust you trust.You will be able to judge whether the surgeon is right for you by your comfort level and the communication between you and your surgeon.

The best NYC area breast augmentation surgeon for you will be one who takes sufficient time to explain your options for breast augmentation, after learning about your needs, goals, medical history and physical characteristics.The right surgeon for you will show interest in your goals and help you understand how they can be achieved. Your surgeon should provide guidance based on years of experience, but should not talk down to you.

You and your trusted surgeon should collaborate to plan your NYC breast augmentation procedure. First, of course, you must ensure that surgeons you consider meeting are well qualified to provide the best result for you and possess the talent to bring you the look you desire. Make sure your surgeon is board certified by the ASPS and that he or she has at least 10 years in breast plastic surgery.

Ideally, seek out a surgeon with breast reconstructive experience and choose someone with surgical privileges at a nearby NJ or NY hospital. Your surgery should be performed at an accredited outpatient surgery center, such as Vanguard Surgical Center in Bergen County, NJ.

8 Crucial Breast Augmentation Decisions

Your expert surgeon can advise you on the pros and cons of all the little decisions that collectively create your personalized breast implant result:

Your timing: It’s ideal to wait until you are finished having children and breastfeeding before having breast implants. However, your surgeon will take steps to ensure that you can breastfeed after breast implant surgery, should your future plans change.

Weight and hormonal changes that occur during pregnancy may alter the look of your breasts, with or without implants present. Some women seek a breast lift after pregnancy, hence the encouragement to wait until childbearing is over to have breast augmentation surgery.

Your incision location: Depending upon the amount of augmentation you want and the amount of natural breast tissue you have, incisions in the fold below the breast, around the areola or under your arm, will suit you best. In many cases of a breast lift, a breast-fold incision is connected to the incision around the areola vertically.

In time, incision scars may fade to thin white lines. When planning your breast augmentation in NYC or NJ, your plastic surgeon can advise you on the incision placement that will allow the reshaping of your natural breast tissue along with natural-looking implant placement.

Your breast implant placement: Breast implants can be placed either over or under the chest muscle. Under-the-muscle placement may look more natural, have less tendency toward capsular contracture and have less chance of visible rippling.

However, over-the-muscle placement requires a shorter recovery period. The decision depends upon a number of factors including the type of implants you choose, the amount of breast tissue you have and the look you want.

Your choice of implant type: Saline implants have a silicone outer shell. Silicone implants are filled with medical-grade silicone gel. Saline’s advantages include the visual obviousness of any rupture in the implant.

Saline also may have less of a tendency toward capsular contracture, which is a tight ridge of scar tissue that can form around a breast implant, and may require a smaller incision in some cases. Silicone is often favored for it’s more natural feel and less tendency for visible rippling under the skin.

Your desired size: Implants are measured in cc’s or cubic centimeters, which expresses the volume of material with which the implant is filled. This does not correspond to a specific cup size, so concentrate on conveying how you’d like to look after surgery to your surgeon.Your NYC breast augmentation surgeon can help you translate your desired look into cc’s. If asymmetry is being corrected, your surgeon may use a few more cc’s on one side.

Take into account your frame size when choosing your implant size. How wide are your shoulders, chest and hips? Take into account lifestyle factors, such as how active you are. You may want to choose your implant size to accommodate your sport or fitness activities. Your surgeon can help you to understand what size range is possible and advisable given your frame size and lifestyle.

Your preferred implant shape: Round implants are the ones you typically think of when you hear the words “breast implants,” but the teardrop shape can be useful to bring a bit of volume to the upper chest/upper breast area.

Your breast implant’s surface texture: Your implants may have a smooth outer shell or they may be textured. The latter may keep the implant from moving within the breast “pocket” created by the surgeon to hold the implant.

Your implant profile: Each manufacturer typically offers medium (moderate) or higher profile implants, which refers to how far the breasts will project out forward from the chest wall. The amount of projection is also relative to the base width of the implant.

If you have a smaller body frame and smaller chest, there will be a smaller limit to the base width of your implants. Saline and silicone implants also look different, even at similar sizes and profiles. Let your NYC-area plastic surgeon advise you and view or try on examples in the office.The sum total of these decisions will determine your breast augmentation result.

When you are ready to learn how each of these factors can be balanced to create your new breast silhouette, call Cohen/Winters Aesthetic & Reconstructive Surgery in Bergen County, NJ, just southeast of NYC. We are happy to help you understand your options for breast augmentation, so contact us for an appointment, today.

cosmetic surgery NJ

Dr. Cohen

About Dr. Cohen

Dr. Cohen specializes in breast lifts, augmentations, revisions and reductions as well as breast cancer reconstructions. A long time dream of Dr. Cohen’s was to travel to developing countries and provide expert surgical care to those who have no other possible access to medical care. This became a reality in 2007 when she became a founding member and Vice President of ISMS Operation Kids.