Once you have decided to get a personalized view of your options for breast augmentation in the NYC area, you’ll want to make the most of the time with your expert breast surgeon. Don’t worry, the top breast augmentation surgeons in NYC or NJ will give you the time you need to ask questions.

Elite, dedicated breast surgeons will answer you clearly to ensure that you understand all of the important details. Your surgeon will have lots of interest in knowing about your needs, so they will ask you lots of questions as well.

Clear Communication: Crucial to Breast Augmentation Success

One very accurate way to gauge whether you’re meeting with a truly dedicated plastic surgeon is to evaluate the communication with your breast specialist at the consultation. Take notice of whether your NYC breast augmentation surgeon takes an interest in you, listens well and answers questions clearly.

If your surgeon rushes you, shows little interest in you as a person and avoids questions—or answers questions vaguely, you should seek another surgeon. A top surgeon, who is truly dedicated to his or her calling, will ask you many important questions and answer your questions completely.

What your Surgeon will Ask YOU

Dedicated surgeons want to know all about you, to make sure you’re a good surgical candidate and to make the best surgical plan for your breast augmentation in NYC or northern NJ. If you don’t mention the following information, they will ask you about:

Your medical history. Your surgeon will want to ensure that you’re healthy enough to benefit from breast augmentation and to enjoy an excellent outcome.

Your physical condition. Your surgeon will examine your breasts, looking at skin elasticity, frame size, nipple position and more. This helps him or her decide whether you’re a good breast augmentation candidate and plan details like whether or not you will need a breast lift with your augmentation.

Your motivation for seeking surgery. Your surgeon will want to ensure that everything you want/expect from breast augmentation is realistic. For example, your breast augmentation surgeon will want to ensure that you’re seeking surgery for your own personal reasons, rather than to please another.

Your future plans. If you plan to have children in future, your surgeon may suggest that you wait for your NYC breast augmentation—until you are finished with childbearing and breastfeeding. That’s because your surgeon knows you’ll get a more long-lasting result after pregnancy plans are finished. The hormonal and weight changes associated with pregnancy can make your augmented breasts sag somewhat quicker than they otherwise would. This is why women often seek a breast lift (and/or implants) after pregnancy. A great surgeon will clearly explain this and will also discuss any other rare risks and complications of breast augmentation.

Your goals for your breast augmentation procedure. This is where you tell your surgeon how you want to look and feel after your breast implant surgery. Communicate your desires regarding size, cleavage and correction of asymmetry. Describe your expectations of what you want to achieve with your NYC breast augmentation surgery. If your goals can be achieved with a different procedure, or if they cannot be achieved considering your basic anatomy, he or she should tell you honestly. Otherwise, you will be disappointed with your outcome.

About surgical goals for breast augmentation: No good surgeon wants you to have false expectations. If you want breast implants that are too large for your chest size, for example, your surgeon may direct you to a more realistic plan – one that will create a beautiful result that you will love.

If you want significant cleavage, but your natural breasts are located far apart on the chest, you may still need to rely on a bra to achieve cleavage—although your augmentation will likely help by making your breasts larger. You need this level of honesty from your surgeon to avoid being disappointed with your outcome. It’s important to choose the breast surgeon whom you trust implicitly when considering breast implants.

And more! Remember, interest in your personal details and desires is the hallmark of a dedicated NJ or NYC breast augmentation surgeon.

Questions to Ask Your Surgeon About Breast Augmentation

  • How many breast augmentation procedures have you performed this year? Over your career? Your breast surgeon should concentrate his or her practice on (and spend most of his or her time doing) breast surgery.
  • How many years of training have you had? In plastic surgery? In breast surgery? Seek out a surgeon with 10+ years of focused experience.
  • Do you have reconstructive experience? This advanced experience demonstrates the most in-depth knowledge of proper form and function of the breast.
  • Do you have hospital surgical privileges? The hospital should be well-regarded and nearby. Surgeons at Cohen/Winters in Bergen County, NJ have privileges at Hackensack University Medical Center.
  • Is your surgical facility accredited? Vanguard Surgical Center, used by Cohen/Winters surgeons, is an accredited facility with a top safety record.
  • Am I a good candidate for breast augmentation? Your surgeon will help you decide by looking at your medical history, physical condition and motivation.
  • Do you recommend saline or silicone breast implants for me? Typical pros and cons you will discuss with your surgeon include: Saline is cheaper and can feel natural if placed below the muscle and if you have significant natural tissue. Saline is also unlikely to silently rupture—it will noticeably deflate so that you can have the situation corrected. Silicone implants feel more like real breasts, according to most women, and are the more popular implants in most surgical practices. Today’s silicone implants are extremely safe and long lasting.
  • Would round or teardrop breast implants suit me best? Some patients with small natural breasts and little breast tissue in the upper part of the breast/chest area are well suited for teardrop implants. These are more expensive and are not forgiving if they move within the surgeon-created pocket where they are placed in your chest. However, there are pros and cons to any decision. Work with your NYC breast surgeon to choose the best solution for you. Your surgeon will suggest the solution that provides the most benefit for you, keeping your goals in mind.
  • Do you see more complications with certain types of breast implants? Are there ways to handle such complications? An experienced surgeon will be very honest and upfront about breast augmentation complications. More serious complications are thankfully rare, but your surgeon will let you know the probability, based on your specific situation and implant choice. Since complications in any surgery are not always preventable—it’s wise to choose an experienced surgeon with advanced training, who knows exactly how to handle any complication, while preserving your health and an excellent breast augmentation result.
  • What size implants do you advise for my breast augmentation in NYC? Your surgeon will likely advise a particular implant volume (measured in cc’s) that will look natural and flattering on your body frame. The surgeon will likely suggest a size, that in his or her experience, predicts to balance well with your shoulder and hip dimensions. Your surgeon may suggest going a bit larger if you are considering a couple of different options, because women who have their implants replaced later in life often do so to enlarge them. Some women feel that after their swelling subsides, they chose a slightly small size of implant. Still, this depends upon your preferences, lifestyle and other factors that make you unique.
  • How large can I go in my breast augmentation? If you prefer an implant size that is on the larger side, your surgeon will try to accommodate you, provided that your chest size, skin thickness, natural tissue and other factors will allow it. Your surgeon will talk with you about the pros and cons of all your breast implant options, including size options. Your NJ or NYC breast augmentation surgeon will collaborate with you to get as close as possible to your personal breast augmentation goal. When you work closely with your surgeon in the planning of your breast augmentation, you can expect an outcome you will love.
  • How will breast augmentation affect my future mammogram screenings? Is one type, size or placement (over or under the muscle) better for accurate mammogram results? You should inform your mammographer if and what type of breast implants  you have before you have a mammogram. The mammography technician can use special procedures to get the best image of your breasts for evaluation. In some cases, especially to check for leakage in silicone implants, which can occur without you noticing, you should consider MRI imaging of your breasts.
  • Will I lose feeling in my breasts after breast augmentation? An elite breast surgeon can use specific surgical techniques to preserve sensation. However, short-term loss is relatively common as you heal after surgery. Long-term loss of nipple sensation or inability to breastfeed is more of a risk if you require more extensive surgery, such as larger implants or repositioning of nipples and areola much higher on the breast. Discuss your future plans with your NYC breast augmentation surgeon to learn about this and any other rare complications.
  • Will I be able to breastfeed with implants? Depending upon the details of your procedure and other goals, a top breast surgeon can preserve your ability to breastfeed. In rare cases, loss of breastfeeding ability is possible.
  • And more — add your questions to the list!

When you’re ready to learn more about breast augmentation in the NYC area, contact Cohen/Winters Aesthetic & Reconstructive Surgery in Bergen County, NJ. We are conveniently located within easy driving distance of NYC. Call today.

breast surgeon NJ

Dr. Cohen

About Dr. Cohen

Dr. Cohen specializes in breast lifts, augmentations, revisions and reductions as well as breast cancer reconstructions. A long time dream of Dr. Cohen’s was to travel to developing countries and provide expert surgical care to those who have no other possible access to medical care. This became a reality in 2007 when she became a founding member and Vice President of ISMS Operation Kids.